Just a few of my favorite profiles and interviews with famous folks.
A Harrisburg Perspective on Hollywood: Q&A With Carmen Finestra, Harrisburg Magazine, September 2004

From Entertainer to Educator: Q&A With Michael Sevareid, Harrisburg Magazine, September 2005

Clowning Around: My Night As a Ringling Brothers Clown, Press & Journal, 7/15/92

MSNBC host finds 'home away from home' in Lititz, Central Penn Business Journal, 12/25/15

Smothers Take Brother Act to Elizabethtown College, Press & Journal, 10/14/92

Arnold Schwarzenegger Muscles Up to Area Youngsters, Press & Journal, 5/1/91

Pennsylvania: Backlot for Hollywood, Central Penn Business Journal, June 1988 (featuring Mike Farrell of "M*A*S*H")

From Local Legend to Hitmaker: Q&A With Dan Hartman,, 7/5/14

First Lady Barbara Bush in Central PA, Press & Journal, 10/14/92

Indy 500 Winner Bobby Rahal: Can He Win in This Car Business?, Central Penn Business Journal, March 1989